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Alien Dice 27 part 2 page 19

D’oh, life got in the way of getting this up yesterday. šŸ™

ā€œEventually, you will have to sleep.ā€ Rianeā€™s form rippled and shifted quickly into a nightmarish form, her body disintegrating into the long slender form a of a snake. Her features distorted to the grotesque proportions, clawed fingers reaching out to Lexx as he refused to look at her. She snarled and loomed over Lexx, then flipped back in on herself, vanishing in a swirl of light and taking her rage with her.
It was only then that Lexx looked back. The Relay was empty now and he was free to leave, on his terms. Lexx shoved the images away, scowling at yet another possible problem, but he was confident he could deal with this one. She was a figment and he could control her.
Lexx stared out at the ocean, grunting in annoyance. ā€œI donā€™t need to sleep.ā€ He muttered to himself.

Card Perk Listing is Live

I’ve begun listing the cards I have here: For all of you who have been supporting my patreon, there’s a special update: You can request a large number of cards that have already been printed!

Instructions are basically, there are two sections. Section 1 is for images I have not printed. Section 2 is for what I have on hand. In the future, you will be able to pick one image from Section 1 and one from Section 2 on a monthly rotation. Or two from section 2. I have to order the ones in Section 1.

Please note, we’ll see how this goes. If I get overwhelmed with packing and ordering and such, I’ll change the terms, just a warning. I don’t want to be overwhelmed. Right now, that shoudn’t be an issue, I just can’t be spending days packing and mailing.

I can’t guarantee a ton of new images per month, but at a minimum, there will be chapter end images. You can also request whatever images I have in my archives for me to redo.

Oh yeah, wallpapers are also coming!