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Alien Dice 27.1 18

Text to go with this page:

“Okay,” Lexx nodded in agreement, his tone turning more serious. “But if I have to leave the earth? Will you come with me?”
“I can’t and you know I can’t.” Chel replied without hesitation. It was obvious to Lexx that she had already gone over this scenario. “You can’t protect me.”
Lexx wasn’t prepared for the punch to his gut as the words came out. They were true, but did they really have to be said? No, he could not protect her and he knew it. The very fact they had just arrived back from Chel being kidnapped was proof of that. He had not been able to prevent her from being taken and it was possible he wouldn’t be able to prevent it in the future either if someone wanted to grab Chel and run. He couldn’t do anything in his current situation.
The truth, was not something Lexx wanted to think about right now. He just wanted to hear her say she’s go with him, even if the situation never arose.
“I can try.” Lexx drew himself up into an almost comical pose of bravado, sparkling bolts of lightning arcing through the grass behind him at his whim.
Chel smiled, getting the distinct impression that Lexx was pushing her statement aside and not letting it get to him. She was glad of that.
He accepted it and went along, the same as she did, realizing that even though she had said it, she wasn’t leaving him alone. She was still there. She wasn’t going to abandon him and that was more important… especially since running was not a good idea in the first place. Instead, she wasn’t going to agree to do anything hypothetical just to make him feel good. The thought bothered him, but running would put Chel in an even worse situation if something happened to him. It had been a dumb question to ask of her, but still, she was truthful and that’s all he could ask for.
“I already know you would give your life for mine, please don’t feel the need to prove it.” Chel kept smiling up at Lexx, relieved that he had not reacted how he might have in the past. He smiled back. He didn’t close down and retreat. He was still standing there, giving her a smile that made her cheeks flush.
“As you wish.” Lexx whispered, brushing her hair back gently.
“Yes, that’s what I need right now,” Chel’s hands dropped into Lexx’s, enjoying their warmth and security as they closed around hers. “You quoting ‘The Princess Bride’.”
“As you wish.” Lexx tilted his head , closed his eyes and flashed a toothy grin that made Chel want to melt.

I’ve noted to myself to INSTALL WORD ON THE SURFACE!

Obviously, Lexx is not angry with Chel’s statements here. The old Lexx would likely have devolved into being immediately moody and withdrawn.

Now, my notes on this page came out of insane giggling at the thought of Lexx, Keith, and Vic bonding over a viewing of the most manly loved movie ever, Love Actually. Then I considered the tv viewing that obviously has gone on and what things Chel might have shown Lexx. Princess Bride made its way in.

This post is public, but not all will be.

Alien Dice 27.2 05

“The Gauntlet has been called.” Lexx snapped at the cat. He glared at her, waiting for her response.
Stealth visibly flinched back, her tails swishing erratically behind her. She stared up at Lexx with a sincerely concerned expression that he had never seen before.
“What are you going to do?” She inquired, her voice almost breaking.
Lexx’s annoyance melted away in the face of Stealth’s visible emotions. He stepped away from her and settled back onto the side of the bed. “Wake everyone up and tell them I’m leaving.” He answered the question in a reluctant tone.
Stealth sprang forward, the fur along her back raised in alarm, wings arcing up and out. “You can’t do that, Lexx!” She hissed

The convention has left my mind mush, evidenced by me reposting this when I didn’t need to.. – Tiff

Update Schedules and Upcoming Content

Just a little note that Sunday Evening will see the updates for the next week uploaded early, plus the bulk of my posting until I can get a keyboard for my surface. I have a laptop… and a surface. The laptop is normally sitting in my bedroom chained down with three cords to the Yiynova for working and the only time it leaves the desk is on Sunday. 😀
My messages will tend to be shorter during the week unless I get on the real desktop.
So this is the schedule: Sundays. Shivae Studios and Cyantian Chronicles pages will be posted.
Alien Dice updates will be posted the day before they go up on the main site. This gives me time to also update the text with it as I write it.
There will be random “What Am I Working On Right Now” updates, with sneak peaks. Anyone who’s followed me knows that I have twice as many things in back production as I am showing. I do NOT want to update these things online, because I will want to update them, however, patrons will be able to SEE all of the content before it goes to print. These are actually PRINT projects.
Things I’m working on:
Journey: Shivae! story that I’m currently scripting.
Feral: Oh there’s a mound of stories here, Feral and Prince being the primary ones. A group of very special domestic animals, mostly cats and rabbits war against each other in a world overrun with humans. Scripting off and on. Not in a hurry.
Black Rose: Apparently I love Black Rose so much, it couldn’t stop spawning stories that are in various phases of outlining and scripting. Meri, Cute Abominations, Snow, Pecos, Cursed. Most are project names, not real names.
In the Cyantian Chronicles, I have Below, Caravan, Danie, The River, Jackelope Mesa, Silver’s Snoop Squad, Vincent and Filaire, Cesilee’s Diary, Irea, Toast, and Imaginary Friends.
Autumn Rain is a superhero universe.
Chimera – Domestic Dinosaurs, enough said.
Lil’Sune – Nanowrimo project that I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with.
Fantasy Nevermore – This is actually another Black Rose story, but it’s unlike anything else I write… because the primary characters are in their thirties.

As you can see, I have a lot of content. 😀 If I didn’t, I’d go nuts and get bored.

– Tiff

Starting Off

Ok, I’m just testing this out right now to see how it works and if my readers are interested. I’d like some feedback suggestions. I know there are things that I can do to give back, like postcards, bookmarks, prints, etc that are more physical along with digital rewards like exclusive storylines, but I want to get an idea of support first
*LAUGH* This post is an excellent test of that, since it appears I can make separate messages for each tier. 😀 So yes, it’s possible I can actually post exclusive content here that will not show up on the regular site and will be available in print otherwise. Ok, let’s get started!