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Journey Brush Prep

For this project, I’m going animation style with reuseable background props. Here we have trees. Five tree trunks turned into a brush in Manga Studio. This was a test to see what I can do. I think I need various more trunk styles and to remove the thick trunked one. I might also just use a precolored set for up close panels.
As you can see, I can do a lot with them.

Journey Development

Putting up some of these for reference, but you don’t get a screen cap of my outline, just a bit of the first part.
Everything begins with a small idea. Journey began with noticing there were things kinda missing from standard children’s entertainment. Like, I don’t know, my Shivae. 😀 This is SUPPOSED to be a Cyantian version of cartoon programming for their kids, influenced a little by Earth culture. As a woman, who was once a girl, and is a mother, I get kind of annoyed at how gender centric some cartoons are that are aimed at my daughter. Some are really, really obnoxious in this regard.
So I set out to create this story using my Shivae in their own world, broken down for children. Unicorns, Gryphons, Pegasi, and Dragons exist on Cyantia, but they are all nonmagical.
This story throws in magic and technology, with a simplified cartoony art style, so it can be done quicker than my other work. My biggest trial will be keeping myself from overshading or overworking pages.
When I created this world, I set out to make sure the cast is a mix of males and females, different species and personalities and the main character is Sunny, a shivae who lacks both wings and magic. In this world, any shivae can have magical ability at varying levels and specialties, but it’s also not uncommon for shivae to not have magical ability. Sunny makes up for it with The Archive. It’s an electronic device she’s often seen wearing that syncs to an electronic book, a book, that is filled with flexible input paper so that it acts like a real book, but also makes a copy in her archive, which can be accessed like a book. It also records pictures, videos, maps, sends messages back to mom and dad, etc. 😀