Status Update!

First, Alien Dice is not done for the week.  It should go up on Wednesday.

My in-laws were visiting and brought a whole bunch of tools with them so we could do a bunch of work on our house… a bunch.. as in.. early in the morning until late afternoon, constant work painting, drilling, digging, and chopping down a very deeply entrenched trumpet vine (and a couple of trees) on Saturday and Sunday.  I didn’t manage to complete a lot of other work, but those things needed to be done and we don’t have the tools to do them on our own yet.   I wasn’t sure what all we would be doing and I can’t be seen avoiding work. 😀  I hurt all over.

That’s pretty much it.  I should be catching up to current soon, then I’ll start on the buffers, which I severely need!  We don’t have any big vacation plans or anything and I’ll be working through the holidays to get everything back where I want it.

– Tiff

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